Meeting Venues ↔ Hotels

Service Period : Feb.23 ~ Mar.9,2025

Shuttle Bus Schedule

A. To Kolon Hotel

som1 route
Hilton HICO The-K
Expo Grand
07:00 07:03 07:06 07:07 07:09 - 07:26
07:15 07:18 07:21 07:22 07:24 - 07:41
07:30 07:33 07:36 07:37 07:39 - 07:56
07:45 07:48 07:51 07:52 07:54 - 08:11
08:00 08:03 08:06 08:07 08:09 - 08:26
08:15 08:18 08:21 08:22 08:24 - 08:41
08:30 08:33 08:36 08:37 08:39 - 08:56
08:45 08:48 08:51 08:52 08:54 - 09:11
09:00 09:03 09:06 09:07 09:09 - 09:26
09:30 09:33 09:36 09:37 09:39 - 09:56
10:00 10:03 10:06 10:07 10:09 - 10:26
10:30 10:33 10:36 10:37 10:39 - 10:56
11:00 11:03 11:06 11:07 11:09 - 11:26
11:30 11:33 11:36 11:37 11:39 - 11:56
12:00 12:03 12:06 12:07 12:09 - 12:26
12:30 12:33 12:36 12:37 12:39 - 12:56
13:00 13:03 13:06 13:07 13:09 13:11 13:26
13:30 13:33 13:36 13:37 13:39 13:41 13:56
14:00 14:03 14:06 14:07 14:09 14:11 14:26
14:30 14:33 14:36 14:37 14:39 14:41 14:56
15:00 15:03 15:06 15:07 15:09 15:11 15:26
15:30 15:33 15:36 15:37 15:39 15:41 15:56
16:00 16:03 16:06 16:07 16:09 16:11 16:26
16:30 16:33 16:36 16:37 16:39 16:41 16:56
17:00 17:03 17:06 17:07 17:09 17:11 17:26
17:15 17:18 17:21 17:22 17:24 17:26 17:41
17:30 17:33 17:36 17:37 17:39 17:41 17:56
17:45 17:48 17:51 17:52 17:54 17:56 18:11
18:00 18:03 18:06 18:07 18:09 18:11 18:26
18:15 18:18 18:21 18:22 18:24 18:26 18:41
18:30 18:33 18:36 18:37 18:39 18:41 18:56
18:45 18:48 18:51 18:52 18:54 18:56 19:11
19:00 19:03 19:06 19:07 19:09 19:11 19:26
19:20 19:23 19:26 19:27 19:29 19:31 19:46
19:30 19:33 19:36 19:37 19:39 19:41 19:56

B. To Lahan Select

som1 route
Expo Grand
Hilton HICO Commodore
07:00 - 07:15 07:18 07:19 07:22 07:26
07:15 - 07:30 07:33 07:34 07:37 07:41
07:30 - 07:45 07:48 07:49 07:52 07:56
07:45 - 08:00 08:03 08:04 08:07 08:11
08:00 - 08:15 08:18 08:19 08:22 08:26
08:15 - 08:30 08:33 08:34 08:37 08:41
08:30 - 08:45 08:48 08:49 08:52 08:56
08:45 - 09:00 09:03 09:04 09:07 09:11
09:00 - 09:15 09:18 09:19 09:22 09:26
09:30 - 09:45 09:48 09:49 09:52 09:56
10:00 - 10:15 10:18 10:19 10:22 10:26
10:30 - 10:45 10:48 10:49 10:52 10:56
11:00 - 11:15 11:18 11:19 11:22 11:26
11:30 - 11:45 11:48 11:49 11:52 11:56
12:00 - 12:15 12:18 12:19 12:22 12:26
12:30 - 12:45 12:48 12:49 12:52 12:56
13:00 13:13 13:15 13:18 13:19 13:22 13:26
13:30 13:43 13:45 13:48 13:49 13:52 13:56
14:00 14:13 14:15 14:18 14:19 14:22 14:26
14:30 14:43 14:45 14:48 14:49 14:52 14:56
15:00 15:13 15:15 15:18 15:19 15:22 15:26
15:30 15:43 15:45 15:48 15:49 15:52 15:56
16:00 16:13 16:15 16:18 16:19 16:22 16:26
16:30 16:43 16:45 16:48 16:49 16:52 16:56
17:00 17:13 17:15 17:18 17:19 17:22 17:26
17:15 17:28 17:30 17:33 17:34 17:37 17:41
17:30 17:43 17:45 17:48 17:49 17:52 17:56
17:45 17:58 18:00 18:03 18:04 18:07 18:11
18:00 18:13 18:15 18:18 18:19 18:22 18:26
18:15 18:28 18:30 18:33 18:34 18:37 18:41
18:30 18:43 18:45 18:48 18:49 18:52 18:56
18:45 18:58 19:00 19:03 19:04 19:07 19:11
19:00 19:13 19:15 19:18 19:19 19:22 19:26
19:20 19:33 19:35 19:38 19:39 19:42 19:46
19:30 19:43 19:45 19:48 19:49 19:52 19:56

Boarding Location

Lahan Select

※ The yellow zone in front of the hotel entrance as shown above

Commodore Hotel

※ The yellow zone in front of the hotel entrance as shown above


※ The yellow zone in front of the hotel entrance as shown above


※ Main road in front of HICO Gate 2

The-K Hotel

※ The yellow zone in front of the hotel entrance as shown above

Gyeongju Expo Grand Park

※ To Kolon hotel : Bus stop in front of Salon Heritage

※ To Lahan Select hotel : Bus stop in front of Cheongun Hybrid Complex


Kolon Hotel

※ The yellow zone in front of the hotel entrance as shown above


The shuttle services are offered to APEC 2025 SOM1 participants only.

All shuttle buses will depart on time. Please be at the bus stop 5 minutes in advance of boarding.

Have any questions? Contact us by email​​

WhatsApp :
